CanLit Books

Wiles of Girlhood

Wiliiam Lyon Mackenzie King, 1924-1932

Will to Power: The Missionary Career of Father Morice

Will Ye Let the Mummers In?

Will’s Garden

Willful Acts

Willful Acts: Five Plays

William Arthur Deacon: A Literary Life

William Carlos Williams and Autobiography

William Carlos Williams: A New World Naked

William Hurst: A Theatre Portrait

William Hutt: Soldier Actor

William Thomas Architect 1799-1860

William Wilfred Campbell: Selected Poetry and Essays

William Wordsworth

Willie, A Romance. Volume 1 of the King Years

Willing Victims

Willliam Lyon Mackenzie King

Willy Graf

Wilson MacDonald’s Western Tour, 1923-24

Wilson’s Bowl

Wind Leaves Absence

Wind Sun Stone and Ice

Wind Thrashing Your Heart

Windfalls for Cider: The Poems of Raymond Knister


Windflower: Poems of Bliss Carman

Windows and Words: A Look at Canadian Children’s Literature in English

Winds of L’Acadie

Winds through Time: An Anthology of Canadian Historical Young Adult Fiction

Winging It in the North

Wings in the Wind

Wings of Glass

Winisk: A Cree Indian Settlement on Hudson Bay


Winners and Losers

Winnipeg Stories



Winter Child

Winter et autres récits

Winter Hunger

Winter Journey

Winter of the Luna Moth

Winter Prophecies

Winter Prophecies

Winter Shadows

Winter Sport

Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada

Winter Sun / The Dumbfounding: Poems 1940-66

Winter Sun and Other Poems

Winter Tulips

Winter Your Sleep

Winter’s Descent

Winter’s Skin

Wintering Over


Wisakyjak and the New World

Wisdom & Metaphor

Wisdom in Nonsense: Invaluable Lessons from My Father



Wishbone Dance


Witchery Hill

Witches and Idiots

With a Sudden and Terrible Clarity

With Averted Vision

With Borges

With Burgoyne from Quebec

With Other Words

With the Witnesses: Poetry, Compassion, and Claimed Experience

with wax

With WK in the Workshop. A Memoir of William Kurelek

With Wolfe in Canada

Within the Barbed Wire Fence

Within the Wound

Within the Zodiac

Without Benefit of Words

Without Reserve

Without Reserve: Stories from Urban Natives

Witness, I am

Wittgenstein Elegies: Brick Books Classics 6

Wizards: An Amazing Journey through the Last Great Age of Magic

Wolf and Seven Little Kids: Based on a Tale from the Brothers Grimm

Wolf and the Seven Little Kids: Based on a Tale from the Brothers Grimm

Wolf Cycle

Wolf Tree

Wolf Willow


Woman Arborescent

Woman at Mile Zero

Woman in the Woods

Woman Talking Woman

Woman’s Tongue

Women & Children

Women and Narrative Identity: Rewriting the Quebec National Text

Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel

Women and the White Man’s God

Women and the White Man’s God: Gender and Race in the Canadian Mission Field