
Why and How and Why Not and What Is This, About Starting Another Novel . . .
Abstract: W.AT BEGAN AS AN IDEA many years ago, and must be written because it has not been forgotten, has begun ...

Why I Am an Expatriate
Abstract: OΝ A HOT JUNE DAY in 1949 I sailed from Montreal. I stood by the rails on the deck of ...

Why James Reaney is a Better Poet
Abstract: BY NOW IT is APPARENT that the mainstream of today’s Canadian poetry (in English) flows in the same river-system as ...

Why Profess What is Abhorred: The Rescue of Poetry
Abstract: i As I gathered up my papers at the end of class, a young man approached my desk. I was ...

Wiebe & Religious Struggle
Abstract: W. j . KEITH HAS CLAIMED that Rudy Wiebe’s The Blue Mountains of China is “among the finest novels written ...

Wiebe’s Sense of Community
Abstract: MOST CONTEMPORARY CANADIAN NOVELISTS are writ- ing within an urban context. To be more precise, their concerns are generally those ...

Wilderness No Wilderness
Abstract: We have had to wait until the middle of this century for the crossing of long separated paths: that which ...

Wilfred Campbell Reconsidered
Abstract: ΤHE ART OF WILLIAM WILFRED CAMPBELL cannot be sep- arated from his life.1 CIHaEmpbell believed that only social thought was ...

Wind Dog
Abstract: Someone let the wind into the City in the night like a big old Dog that usually has to stay ...

Wind, Sun and Dust
Abstract: ΤLWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO what is perhaps the best Canadian novel was writtenI:WSEinclair Ross’s As For Me and My House. Up ...